Make Money With JSS-JBP,JSS have many system to pay Member's daily.we will provide you Strategy to increase your earning day by day.we provide you how to fund Alertpay account from Pakistan and how to withdraw fund from Alertpay.
Jbp explained
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JSS-Tripler Basics!
$10 POSITIONS.. Multiple Purchases Allowed…
Earn 2%+ per day…
60% per month… “Increase Earnings with Daily
Two-Tier Referral Bonuses: 10% and 5%
” Revolutionary Breakthrough, makes JSS-Tripler Indefinitely Sustainable “
“This works” I Get Paid Daily
How is Your Money Tripled?
Tripled means 3x.. each $10 position becomes $30!
$15 earned in JSS-Tripler
$15 earned in JSS-Matrix
Step 1: JSS-Tripler
The total cash earnings per $10 JSS-Tripler position is $15
.. that is $10 x 2% x 75 days = $15
Step 2: JSS-Matrix
The further $15 is paid in the form of JSS-Matrix positions.
When four of your JSS-Tripler positions have matured and earned you $15 each, you get a JSS-Matrix position that pays you $60 when it cycles.
This amounts to $15 per JSS-Tripler position.
This is How Your Money is Tripled!
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Fixed Monthly Income!
Say you want $500 per month income.. every month! Because each Amount Added to JSS-Tripler matures at 150%, each $1000 added returns you a $500 Profit! Add $1,000 in JSS-Tripler every month.. Within 2 Months this amount will be coming out of your Profit and NOT your pocket! By Adding $1,000 at the beginning of each month you will continue to enjoy a Steady $500 Monthly Income! If you want $1,000 income per month then Add $2,000 to JSS-Tripler monthly! If you want $2,000 income per month then Add $4,000 to JSS-Tripler monthly! If you want $5,000 income per month then Add $10,000 to JSS-Tripler monthly! If you want $10,000 income per month then Add $20,000 to JSS-Tripler monthly! Remember: within 2 months the amounts to be added to JSS-Tripler will be coming out of your Profit.. NOT Your Pocket!