solidtrust pay

JSS-Tripler Basics!
Multiple Purchases Allowed…
Earn 2%+ per day…
60% per month…
“Increase Earnings with Daily

Two-Tier Referral Bonuses: 10% and 5%
” Revolutionary Breakthrough, makes JSS-Tripler Indefinitely Sustainable

“This works” I Get Paid Daily

How is Your Money Tripled?

Tripled means 3x.. each $10 position becomes $30!

$15 earned in JSS-Tripler
$15 earned in JSS-Matrix

Step 1: JSS-Tripler
The total cash earnings per $10 JSS-Tripler position is $15
.. that is $10 x 2% x 75 days = $15

Step 2: JSS-Matrix
The further $15 is paid in the form of JSS-Matrix positions.
When four of your JSS-Tripler positions have matured and earned you $15 each, you get a JSS-Matrix position that pays you $60 when it cycles.
This amounts to $15 per JSS-Tripler position.
This is How Your Money is Tripled!

Click Here To Join JSS Pakistan

JSS-Tripler 75 Day Get Rich Plan


The Best Method to Triple your JSS Tripler Investment to Gain Maximum Return.
Day 1:
Add Money

Days 2 – 75:
100% Reinvest your daily earnings

Day 76:
Balance now 340% bigger after Day 1 Investment deducted!

Day 76 onwards:
Conservative: Reinvest 70% of daily earnings and cashout the remaining 30%.
Aggressive: Reinvest 80% of daily earnings and cashout the remaining 20%.
RESULT: Ever Increasing Earnings and Daily Cashout Amounts!